
Media Students Capture Life at 澳门马会传真 Through Their Eyes

As a recent graduate, I still remember quite vividly what it’s like to be a student at 澳门马会传真. Now, as an employee here, I get to work creatively on blogs, videos and other content that  shows students why they should come to 澳门马会传真, too.

澳门马会传真 Media Communication student takes picture with camera in class

During the winter term, I worked with Media & Communication Studies (MCST) students to create videos we could send to prospective students. These videos would show what it was like to be a student at 澳门马会传真 through each of their eyes. Working with these MCST students was a lot of fun for me because I was also an MCST major, and this program is very close to my heart. With my own experience doing similar projects, I was able to offer advice and help them stay on track while still giving them the freedom and control to create what they wanted.

They worked together to highlight some of the best parts of 澳门马会传真 life, and afterwards they shared what it was like for them to work on this project.

Dominic Weir ‘19
"The process of making these videos was quite interesting. We knew what we wanted to film and how we wanted to tell the story and showcase the average day in the life. We didn’t know how we were going to work on it together since we all experience 澳门马会传真 just a little bit differently. Here there is no average student, and even though we didn’t plan on telling our story that way, it seemed to have just naturally flourished into all of our own unique 澳门马会传真 lives."


Adriana Marra ‘20
“This internship taught me a lot of valuable skills that I'll need in my career. I was also able to fine-tune some of the skills I had already learned in class. I'm glad I was able to get an idea of what I might be doing in this field.”


Natalie Bradway ‘21
“I greatly enjoyed my internship experience as well as the internship itself. I was given a lot of freedom creatively which gave me more responsibility. I am glad I got so much experience with editing and video production. At first, I was not happy with the way that my video turned out until Caitlin and us interns met to show each other our videos. After taking their critiques, working on it more, and chopping down the time the finished result was something I am very proud of.”